General Information

School Hours
School day commences at 9am
Morning Break: 11:00 - 11:20am
Lunchtime: 12:40 - 1:25pm
School finishes at 3:00pm, the buses leave at 3:05pm
Before school and after school policy: Children should not be onsite until 8:30am and offsite by no later than 3:15pm.
School day commences at 9am
Morning Break: 11:00 - 11:20am
Lunchtime: 12:40 - 1:25pm
School finishes at 3:00pm, the buses leave at 3:05pm
Before school and after school policy: Children should not be onsite until 8:30am and offsite by no later than 3:15pm.
Students arriving after 9am must report to the office before going to class.
Students arriving after 9am must report to the office before going to class.
Leaving School
Should it be necessary for your child to leave the school during the day, you must sign them out at the office.
Should it be necessary for your child to leave the school during the day, you must sign them out at the office.
If your child is going to be absent from school we would ask that you use your Hero app or alternatively phone or text the school office (231 3198 or 027 758 1503) before 8.45am each day to let us know. Unexplained absences will be followed up by a phone call following the roll call at 9am. Your co-operation in this matter will ensure the safety of all our children.
If your child is going to be absent from school we would ask that you use your Hero app or alternatively phone or text the school office (231 3198 or 027 758 1503) before 8.45am each day to let us know. Unexplained absences will be followed up by a phone call following the roll call at 9am. Your co-operation in this matter will ensure the safety of all our children.
The school gathers twice a term on Fridays at 2.25pm to share news and information and celebrate areas of achievement. Parents and whanau are welcome to attend.
The school gathers twice a term on Fridays at 2.25pm to share news and information and celebrate areas of achievement. Parents and whanau are welcome to attend.
School Lunches
Generally children bring a packed lunch to school from home. There is a pie warmer available for heating food which the children are welcome to use. Items to go into the pie warmer must be wrapped in tin foil and clearly named.
We often have sausage sizzles and these are advertised ahead of time.
Generally children bring a packed lunch to school from home. There is a pie warmer available for heating food which the children are welcome to use. Items to go into the pie warmer must be wrapped in tin foil and clearly named.
We often have sausage sizzles and these are advertised ahead of time.

This facility gives children access to a large selection of books through class visits.
Children are allowed a maximum of three books out at a time. If books are not returned in a reasonable timeframe and are not able to be located we will invoice parents for the books replacement cost.
Once a month the local Book Bus visits outside the school from 2-4pm.
This facility gives children access to a large selection of books through class visits.
Children are allowed a maximum of three books out at a time. If books are not returned in a reasonable timeframe and are not able to be located we will invoice parents for the books replacement cost.
Once a month the local Book Bus visits outside the school from 2-4pm.

Lost Property
Please ensure that all clothing is clearly marked with your child’s name. Any items of clothing that are not labeled are put into the Lost Property Box, which is located in the school hall and may be checked for missing articles at any time. Items of value should not be brought to school.
The school accepts all care but no responsibility for lost property.
All belongings are displayed from time to time and classes have the opportunity to view it. Unclaimed clothing is disposed of to charities at the end of each term.
Anything that is named is returned promptly, so it would be appreciated if all clothing could be clearly named.
Please ensure that all clothing is clearly marked with your child’s name. Any items of clothing that are not labeled are put into the Lost Property Box, which is located in the school hall and may be checked for missing articles at any time. Items of value should not be brought to school.
The school accepts all care but no responsibility for lost property.
All belongings are displayed from time to time and classes have the opportunity to view it. Unclaimed clothing is disposed of to charities at the end of each term.
Anything that is named is returned promptly, so it would be appreciated if all clothing could be clearly named.
Religious Education (temporarily on hold due to lack of availaibility of volunteers)
Religious Education (Bible in Schools) is held on Thursday mornings from 9 - 9.30am. If your child is to be involved with this programme, please tick the opt in box on your enrolment form or inform the school in writing. To find out more about Religious Education, please click the link below. |